Friday, January 14, 2011

One Word

As I was driving to school this morning I was listening to K-love on the radio. They were discussing "My One Word" the one word that they had chosen to focus on for this entire year. It got me thinking, what one word would I choose if I wanted to focus on one thing this year?

Immediately the word surrender came to mind. I started thinking about what I needed to surrender and how this word would fit for the year. I decided it could apply to many things.

For example, I could become intentional about surrendering my day to God, admitting that I cannot do it on my own. I need Him each and every minute, every step along the way, as I teach the children at school, as I interact with my co-workers, and in my relationship with my husband.

I could become intentional about surrendering all my disappoints and hurts to Him. His Word says that we are to "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest..... For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." I do not have to lug around a bag of disappoint or hurt on my shoulder because God will take it for me. He will not only take it, but He will sort it all out and fix it, if I let Him. If I trust Him enough to leave it with Him and not immediately take it back trying to come up with my own solutions to "fix it".

I could become intentional about surrendering my belongings to Him. After all, the Word does say that it is more blessed to give then receive. I often think that if I'm going to give to those in need that I have to buy something brand new, however, God says if I have 2 coats to share with him who has none. As I sit here and look around my home and think of everything we have, much of it is just "stuff" that clutters. I listened to a couple speak on how they uncluttered their home and their life. It set them on a course to reprioritize their lives so that God truly came first. You can read about it here.

As we begin this new year, I want to challenge you to choose just one word to focus on throughout the year. I am going to focus on surrendering everything to God and leaving it at His feet.

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