Thursday, March 19, 2015

Baby Babbles

Madison is really babbling, squealing, and shrieking these days!

He Speaks!

Elijah is starting to say more and more words! It's so fun to hear him try to say different things!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Months

Baby Madison is 4 months old already! (closer to 5 months these days but we will ignore that fact for the moment) She is really interacting and responding to us more and more.  It has been so much fun!  
We had several days of photo shoots...between her and her brother things got pretty interesting.  The quilt was so colorful she spent the entire first photo shoot in this position checking it out. 

Her brother loves to wrestle and believes that anytime someone is laying on the floor it's an invitation to jump on their back.  Every time I thought I was going to snap a good picture he'd jump, wiggle, or bump me making the image blurry. :)
Elijah loves taking pictures with Madison (or by himself for that matter) and was continually photo bombing the pictures as well.  I'm telling you it was a rodeo,
but so much fun though, I wouldn't change it for the world!
Miss Madison has been such a joy!  At 4 months old she has been:
-BABBLING-constantly babbling
-squealing and shrieking
-smiling-ALL THE TIME
-wanting someone to talk to her or pay attention to her
-batting at her toys hanging from her bouncer
-wanting to be upright so she doesn't miss a thing
-watching every move her brother makes
-consistently waking up once a night
-weighing in at around 16 lbs