Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Chickens and Turkeys

I mentioned in a previous post we had gotten some chickens and turkeys.  Justin went out to take care of some things in the coop so we all tagged along.
They love being able to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
For the time being our 5 turkeys and meat chickens are together.  The turkey enclosure is almost finished up, and than they will get moved over.
"Why are you always taking pictures of me mama?"

Once the turkeys get moved out we will put the meat chickens and layers together again.
Up until now Justin has been the one caring for the birds while I care for the children.
In the very near future I'm going to get to try my hand at caring for ALL of them.  The birds are still learning that they need to go back into the chicken house for the night.  I may have some comical evenings trying to chase them all back in.
She is constantly talking to, waving at, or checking out her baby brother.
I've always wanted to have chickens and am excited for our new adventure!

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